Tamed by the Fire Read online

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  Kitrina pointed Leeky toward the barrels at the other end of the room. As the couple turned to walk away, a grinning Laycee Shortz had a parting comment for her. “Nice tits ya’ve grown there, missy. I can remember when mine use ta stick up and poke out like that. Oh, nice dress, too. Have a humpin’ good time this evening, dearie.”

  Kitrina didn’t know what to say in response, so she continued to smile and didn’t say anything.

  Person after person approached and wished her well.

  When Uncle Sarco and Aunt Lark made their way to her side, they both looked magnificent in matching purple robes. The wizard and leader of the elves, along with his barbarian wife, tried to engage her in conversation, but Kitrina couldn’t think of a single thing to say to them. Finally, they simply patted her hand and walked away. How was she supposed to thank people for showing up to a party meant to celebrate the breaking of her hymen?

  The longer she stood on the pedestal, the more nervous she became.

  Every time the door opened, Kit was sure it would be Zander who walked through it and was disappointed when it was not. Not that she wasn’t grateful for all the people who made the effort to attend, for she was.

  She couldn’t help but smile when she caught sight of Headmistress Seychelle, followed closely by her ever-present human companion, Ray. Though Kitrina wouldn’t be attending The Academy of Magical Arts for three years yet, it was still an honor to have the headmistress come to Castle Kuropkat for such a function as this. It didn’t even bother her when Ray began jumping up and down yelling “Ray loves cock” with his orange, knobby, sparkly dildo hanging from his mouth. Not a single person turned or gasped or even acknowledged him. It was so totally expected and simply who Ray was.

  The door swung open once again, and Kit’s heart pounded as Zander’s parents made their grand entrance into the hall. King Adan Hammerstrike was still, without a doubt, a very attractive man. A muscled barbarian warrior from head to toe, he oozed masculinity and sex appeal. And his Queen, Lizbeth, with her striking beauty, toffee-colored hair, regal features, and poised stance, never failed to take Kitrina’s breath away. No wonder Zander was more handsome, manlier, nobler, and simply more than any other man ever before him.

  She was so riveted on his parents’ entrance that she almost missed his.

  Kitrina’s breath caught in her throat. He stood tall, his rich, dark wheat-colored hair hanging loose about his shoulders. His eyes boring into her soul with their silver-gray intensity. His lips slightly parted in almost a smile. His chin proud and strong, his shoulders unbelievably wide, and his chest wonderfully bare. She throbbed all the way to her toes.

  It took exactly seven strides of his incredibly long legs to reach her. She knew how many strides it had taken because she counted them. It was all she could manage, and it kept her rooted in place when every instinct screamed for her to run. She didn’t run, though. She’d asked for this, fought for this, dreamed of this, and would finally have this night.

  Too insecure and embarrassed to look him in the eye, she watched the swishing of his blue and green plaid kilt about his knees. When he took her by the hand, though, she had no choice but to look up.

  Thunder roared somewhere outside as his molten gray spiritmaster gaze penetrated her soul, melting her limbs as sparks of excitement skittered along her spine. His voice meshed with the thunder, became one with it as his words boomed for all to hear. “I understand we have business to attend to, my lady.”

  Applause broke out, mixed with hoots and cheers. The sound became a deafening roar.

  Kit gulped once, nodded, then stepped off her pedestal and followed as Zander led her from the room.


  He didn’t say a word as they walked from the great room or even as they made their way down the long hall. Not a “hi, how are you?” Not a “how have you been?” Not even an “I’ve always been attracted to you, and I’m looking forward to doing this.” Nothing but silence.

  When the door of her chamber clicked closed behind them, shutting them all alone from the rest of the world, Kitrina jumped at the sound of the bolt tumbling into place. She searched for something clever to say. Where was the speech she’d prepared just yesterday? The witty words meant to assure Zander that she was a woman full grown, sophisticated even? Words meant to put them both at ease?

  They were gone, completely gone, and her mind totally blank.

  Well, perhaps not totally blank. Even though she no longer faced him, she could still hear the depth of his breathing and in her mind still see the ripple of his muscles, the intensity of his gaze, the nearness of his lips. She gulped.

  When his hands lifted her hair away and his fingers grazed the skin at the back of her neck, heat infused her from head to toe, and though certainly not cold, she shivered.

  “Easy, my lady. Relax, all will be well. You shall see.”

  The closure of her gown suddenly gave way, and with a whoosh, the gossamer green material pooled about her feet. Kit stepped out of it, took a deep breath to steady herself, then turned to face him. The appreciation for what he saw reflected back to her from his heated gaze and bolstered her shaky nerves as nothing else on Albrath could have. Though his breathing appeared steady, his lips parted and his nostrils slightly flared.

  Kitrina reached out and undid the clasp holding his kilt together. There was no mistaking his attraction to her as the plaid fell to the floor. She gulped. Lord God Draka help her, his cock was huge. Bigger than she could’ve ever imagined. It stood proud, thick, and long. So hard and swollen, the pulsating of the veins running along its sides was clearly visible.

  She’d felt various-sized cocks awkwardly rubbing up against her in sexual theory and practices class. Young men learning the arts of seduction just as she had. None of those cocks had ever been like this one, however. This was no boy’s cock. This cock belonged to a man, and not any man, but Zander Hammerstrike, a barbarian god of a man. The throbbing between her legs that had begun the moment she’d first laid eyes on him this evening intensified to the point of demanding and almost painful.

  “I…I leave myself in your capable hands.” Warmth flooded her cheeks. “And…and other pa—parts, my lord.” She stuttered and wanted to kick herself.

  Zander chuckled. “It’s good to see some things haven’t changed, Kit. I’ve missed you.”

  That made her smile, but what he did next stole her breath.

  With a single finger, Zander traced a path along her cheek, across her lips, her chin, and her collarbone, before circling a nipple and tweaking it between his thumb and finger. She gasped as tiny shockwaves of pleasure shot outward in every direction then exploded deep in her belly.

  The moment her mouth opened, he captured it. She sighed into his embrace, into his kiss, finally where she knew she’d always been destined to be. How many times had she imagined this very moment, the first time his lips would touch hers?

  No amount of imagination could have prepared her for this sensation, however. His lips were hard yet soft, gentle yet demanding. He tasted of power and lust, sunshine and sin. His tongue delved deep into the recesses of her mouth, driving out the last semblance of fear, and she kissed him back with all the passion her heart had been harboring for eighteen years.

  The softness of the mattress beneath her back was Kitrina’s first indication they were no longer standing, but Zander had laid them down upon her bed. The heat of his glorious weight along the length of her body, her second.

  She took a deep breath and held it. His cock was rock-hard and positioned between her thighs at the junction of her most private parts. She scrunched her eyes tightly closed, and inside her mind, though she’d already done so this morning as she did every morning, Kitrina recited her Protection from Disease and Unwanted Pregnancy Spell.

  Protect my body, protect my soul. Let not the specter of disease be bold. Protect my body, protect my soul. Let not the spirit of a babe take hold.

  Then she waited for the pain, but it didn’t com

  Finally, she opened one eye to see Zander grinning down at her. “You didn’t really think I was going to lay you down and simply ravish you, did you?”

  Kitrina shook her head back and forth, then nodded.

  Zander wiggled his hardness playfully against her. “Though very tempting, my lady, that would be…barbaric. An innocent young woman, like yourself, must be properly prepared for such a thing, and we haven’t begun…preparations yet. Ravishing is for the experienced, Kit. Ravishing is for…later.”

  His eyes bespoke a promise Kitrina’s heart desperately needed to hear, and she pulled his head down for another kiss. Though grains of sand continued to trickle though the hourglass, for her, time slowed and stopped. His mouth devoured hers, and his hands laid claim to her soul as his fingers touched places no man had ever touched as he did. It was magic, it was mystical, it was like walking through fire and coming out unscathed. Though, after this night, Kitrina knew she’d never, ever be the same.

  She touched him then, shyly at first, but with gaining boldness as Zander’s muscles quivered beneath her fingertips. She ran her hands along the plains of his back, down past his waist, to finally grasp and hold onto his gloriously made ass, pressing her body against his.

  She allowed herself the freedom of a lover, the freedom her mind had only been able to dream about for so long. Her fingers tingled as they swept over and down, up and around each muscle, touching, caressing, memorizing every inch of this man as she went.

  He wasn’t just lying there himself, though. Oh, no, Zander was quite busy, and Kitrina gloried in his endeavors. His hands and mouth were everywhere at the same time, yet still she craved more. First her mouth, then her neck. He sucked one nipple, then the other, before moving down and concentrating on her bellybutton and teasing her hip and lower, ever lower.

  When he spread her legs and licked his way up the inside of her thigh, Kitrina was certain she was about to die. Her toes curled, and her pussy throbbed to a beat matching the pounding of her heart. Her insides contracted. Even the root shafts of the hair on the top of her head tickled, and there was no longer enough air in all of Albrath to feed her hungry lungs.

  Then his tongue slowly slid up her folds, delved between them, and captured her clit. He took turns nibbling the hard little nub, then flicking his tongue in and out of her opening. Her juices flowed, and the world spun out of control. Even breathing became overrated.

  She wasn’t sure she actually heard his words or just felt them as he whispered against her heat. “I shall give you pleasure before the pain, Kit. This I promise.”

  She wanted to say something clever, really she did. Coherent thought had escaped her, however. Even if it hadn’t, she probably couldn’t have responded anyway. Her tongue had become too thick for her mouth, her lips too swollen from his kisses, and she was positive every drop of blood in her entire body coursed through her pussy at this very moment and nowhere else.

  With the very next stroke of his rough, hot tongue across her tender clit, Kitrina came to the conclusion she wasn’t going to survive this encounter. She was all right with that realization. After all, no matter how long she lived or what sexual experiences she might have in the future, nothing could or would ever compare to this.

  She giggled, though not sure if it was from the euphoria of his touch or the simple lack of oxygen to her brain. Wouldn’t that obituary be interesting to read? Young woman succumbs while still a virgin. But don’t be too sad for her, dear reader, for she died with a smile plastered on her face. One even the mortician couldn’t wipe away. Oh, what a wondrous death it would be.

  A moment later, Kitrina really did think she’d died. The world around her splintered into a thousand pieces of light as uncontrollable spasms ricocheted throughout her core. Over and over, the tremors swept through her, like a tempest, leaving her boneless and quaking in their aftermath. The only thing still holding her together at all being Zander’s arms.

  It took her a few moments to quiet, but when she did, Kitrina realized Zander had slid himself back up her body and the head of his hard, hot cock once more rested at the opening of her still throbbing pussy. She pressed lightly against him, and Zander groaned.

  “Easy, Kitrina. I’m big, and we must take this slow. I don’t wish to hurt you.”

  She shook her head as she looked him straight in the eye, all fear and shyness a thing of the past. “I don’t want to take it slow. I’ve been waiting all my life for this, and I want you, all of you, and I want you—no, need you—inside me now.”

  She arched against him once more. The very tip of his cock inserted itself into her opening. She wiggled with frustration, and it was Zander’s undoing. “So be it. Your wish is my command, my lady” With one powerful thrust, he filled her completely.

  Kitrina gasped at the fleeting pain but was then overcome with the most amazing sensation she’d ever felt. She wanted to laugh, and she wanted to cry. She wanted to shout, and she wanted to sing. Though she’d always been part of a family, never before had she been half of a perfect whole.

  They fit together as if God Draka himself had fashioned them only for each other. Every breath he let out she took in, and every beat of his heart matched her own. His cock pulsed deep within her, and her pussy answered its need. It throbbed about his magnificent cock, sheathing it, cradling it, as the head touched the tip of her womb, promising a future that might someday be theirs.

  He pulled back a little, and Kitrina feared Zander was going to do the break-the-hymen-then-pull-out move. She clutched him as tightly as she could and locked her legs firmly about his waist. “No, don’t take it away, please. I…I…need.”

  Zander chuckled, but his voice sounded deep and breathy as he answered, “If my very life depended upon my walking away from you this moment, my lady, I would rather die a thousand deaths.” He laughed once more as he nuzzled her neck. “Remember the ravishing part?”

  She nodded.

  “Well, now’s the time.”

  He did move then. He pulled out quickly and thrust back in deeply, over and over and over. Each stroke faster and faster, harder and deeper than the one before. The storm once more built in the recesses of her belly. The hot slide of hard barbarian cock along her virginal sheath sent tremors of pleasure to the very depths of her soul.

  When the spasms came this time, she expected them, welcomed them, and gloried in them as the feel of Zander’s hot cum spewed and sent forth his seed. Upward and outward, it traveled, coating her insides, marking her as his and his alone.

  Through her ecstasy, Kitrina shouted. “I love you, Zander Hammerstrike. I always have. Oh, my God Draka, I love you so much, and I will until the day I die.”


  Though the hall was crowded, the face of her very best friend in all of Albrath was easily discernible from the rest. Princess Amelia Zoe Cassidy Hammerstrike, better known as Mia to her friends, was Zander’s younger sister. She stood off to the edge of the crowd, looking her beautiful, kind self and nibbling a teacake.

  Kitrina wanted to run to her. They lived a portal away from each other but had always attended different schools. It had been almost a year since she’d last laid eyes on Mia, and until this very moment, she hadn’t realized how very much she missed her friend. She wanted to grab Mia, haul her off to her room, and give her every juicy detail of the wondrous things that had transpired. Well, possibly not every detail. After all, Zander was Mia’s brother.

  She couldn’t do what she wished, however. Mia wasn’t alone.

  Her friend was casually chatting with the most beautiful woman Kitrina had ever seen. The tall barbarian stranger, who was probably not much older than she, had long blonde hair the exact shade of gold. Her eyes were as blue as a summer’s sky, her lips a perfect peachy lushness, and she had a body with breasts, curves, and ass that could only be described as to die for. Even though Kitrina didn’t wish to be rude and interrupt their conversation, she still found herself making her way toward them.

  The squeal as Mia ran forward, grabbed her, and hugged her close warmed Kitrina’s heart.

  “Kit, I’ve missed you so. Oh, and congratulations on your deflowering…finally. I hope my brother wasn’t a total barbarian.” The girl giggled.

  Mia’s smile had Kitrina smiling also. But then Mia had always had that effect on her. “It’s so good to see you, and thanks. I’ve missed you, too.”

  At the sound of someone clearing their throat, Kitrina turned. The beautiful barbarian female certainly wasn’t doing any smiling. As a matter of fact, she looked…perturbed. “Aren’t you going to introduce me to the guest of honor, Mia?”

  The sound of Mia’s gulp should have been a warning, but Kitrina was still flying too high from her experience with Zander to recognize it for what it was. Instead, she was taken completely off guard when her friend next spoke.

  Mia’s voice cracked and came out as not much more than a squeak. “Kit, this is Lady Asla, the daughter of the very influential Baron Ambrose Fistslammer. They hail from the barbarian city of Halla. It’s even farther north than Alaria, if you can believe that, but a little more west…I do believe. She’s…Zander’s fiancée.”

  Kitrina must have heard wrong. She shook her head. “Fiancée? Zander’s fiancée?” Her breath lodged in her chest, and her ears rang.

  The beautiful barbarian lady held out her hand, and Kitrina took it. But it could just as well have been venom that dripped from the woman’s mouth instead of words, for all the warmth they held. Lady Asla spoke loud enough for the entire room to hear.

  “It’s nice to finally meet the little human…friend of the Hammerstrike family. I’m glad my soon-to-be-husband could provide you with the pity fuck you so desperately needed…Kit—rina. Poor dear, your family couldn’t afford a real deflowerer, I take it? I hope he did an adequate job. Though Zander is nothing if not thorough, especially in bed. He and I had such a chuckle about your situation. I mean really, eighteen and still a virgin. How wretched, pathetic, sad even.”